November 16, 2010

Why We Need to Save Early

Time is more valuable than money. You can have more money but you will not have more time. – Jim Rohn

"Piggy bank by"
 Let me tell you a story.

Juan and Pedro are best friends. They are the same in age and lived in the same neighborhood. They went in the same school. They played together, they studied together. But when they finished college, they were separated.

November 07, 2010

Is There Really Heaven?

First Reading: Book of Maccabees 7:1-2.9-14
Second Reading: Thessalonians 2:16—3:5
Gospel: Luke 20:27-38

“…and he is not God of the dead, but of the living, for to him all are alive.” – Luke 20:38

Have you ever wondered what does it look like in heaven? Have you asked yourself, is there really heaven? Imagine your idea of the place called heaven, do the people there really dressed in white all the time? Do the people never grow old? Are there big houses as well as small houses there? Are there also typhoons and earthquake there? Are there cars and bicycles? There are many questions that we can come up and we can go on and on… But what are the real environment and the situation up in heaven, we really don’t know.
"Road to Heaven" by Emily Mueller

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